Tolulope Kuteyi

Tolu’s Superpowers:

  • Customer service.

  • Relationship management.

  • Public speaking and facilitation.

Recent Projects:

  • Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter

  • Alberta Craft Council

  • Alberta Network of Immigrant Women

Contact Tolulope:

O: 403-210-3157

Client Services Coordinator

Tolulope is a client services professional with a passion for client management, business development, and customer service.

She loves building rapport, assisting clients and creating a positive impact with each interaction she makes. Tolu has been privileged to work on some client improvement processes during her 11 years in the financial services sector. Some of these are development of the client asset finance scheme, automation of the credit initiation process and modification of client Point of Sale (POS) Terminal requisition process.

Before joining ViTreo, Tolu worked in three leading financial organizations in Nigeria. Due to her tenacity for problem solving and client satisfaction, Tolu progressed to the position of a Subject Matter Expert (SME) shortly after joining Concentrix Technologies (Canada) Limited as a Technical Advisor.

She is an Alumni of the University of Bradford, United Kingdom where she acquired a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), she also has a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with Distinction from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. Tolu has certifications in Project Management from APMG International and the Canadian Investment Funds Certification from IFSE Institute.

Since joining the ViTreo Group, Tolulope has been responsible for the standardization of the client exit protocols and the development of the platform for the monitoring of team deployment, client exit protocols, and business development activities.

Tolu enjoys cooking because she considers it an opportunity to teach the art of taste, texture and pleasure food can bring as a great family bonding experience. In addition to this, she loves travelling and her favorite travel location to date is Mauritius, an island just off the coast of Africa. It is known for its breathtaking scenery, crystal-clear turquoise lagoons and shimmering white beaches.