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Weekly News Recap: April 2, 2021

Weekly News Recap: April 02, 2021

David Fischer, a 39-year-old farmer from southern Saskatchewan, stands on the blue line at Hodgeville rink with his four sons, Declan, Emmett, Nate and Porter to pose for a photo by his wife, Candice. Fischer helps organize a community fundraiser every year to generate tens of thousands of dollars to cover costs and repairs at the rink, hall, and golf course, as well as a new fire truck. (Shot by Candice)

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. -- Benjamin Franklin


Happy Easter!

We have launched our third season of our popular Fundraising Ask Anything Zoom Chats. Our next session will take place on April 23: The triple whammy of a down economy, a depressed price of oil, and a global pandemic has changed how corporations give. In-person events are toast, corporate giving overall is down, and sponsors are asking hard questions. Is sponsorship dead? Or do we just need to change how we look at marketing partnerships? Join us as we hear from sponsorship experts and community investment professionals on what you need to be doing to win sponsors in 2021 and beyond. Why sponsorships are even more important during tough economic times?

Register here



  1. U.S.C. Agrees to Pay $1.1 Billion to Patients of Gynecologist Accused of Abuse (New York Times) "The University of Southern California [...] announced that it will pay more than $1.1 billion to the former patients of a campus gynecologist accused of preying sexually on hundreds of [patients.]”"
  1. Small towns dig deep during pandemic to save their rinks and halls, one cheesecake at a time (CBC) SASKATCHEWAN STORY This is going to continue to be a real struggle. "Communities are coming together in spirit, if not in person, to find creative ways to raise money desperately needed to secure the future of their rinks, pools, halls, fire trucks and more. It's never been tougher. They face shrinking populations, rising operation costs and — during the pandemic — the inability to make or raise money in traditional ways."
  1. Calgary Public Library launches free wellness desk to help visitors manage mental health challenges (CTV) CALGARY STORY This is excellent. Nice work by two of our favourite organizations. "The pilot program which the library is undertaking in partnership with Wood's Homes, aims to reduce stigma around mental health issues and increase resiliency. The launch of the free program comes at a time when the top three mental health concerns are COVID-19, overall anxiety and trying to navigate the mental health care system."
  1. SFU announces 2021 Honorary Degree recipients (SFU) VANCOUVER STORY Congratulations to Michael J. Fox, Dr. Theresa Tam, and all the worthy recipients. Nice work SFU.
  1. Covid-19 has changed philanthropy forever (Alliance Magazine) "[It] begins by shifting the philanthropy sector’s focus from attempting to solve discreet problems to resourcing long-term change, investing in intersectional solidarity, and – ultimately – by ceding power directly to the activists and movements working toward systemic transformation."
  1. The #1 Policy Issue for Canada’s Philanthropic & Charitable Sector (Carleton) CANADIAN STORY Yes! "#1 Modernize the regulatory framework for charities [...]. A comprehensive overhaul of the Income Tax Act [...] is needed to bring the sector into a modern financing and regulatory framework [...] Such an overhaul includes making the notion of ‘charity’ less restrictive, removing the ‘own activities’ stipulation (specifically the ‘direction and control’ requirement), and more easily facilitating revenue generation through business activities."
  1. Inspired Albertan: Morris Ertman (CTV News) ALBERTA STORY Morris is the artistic director of Rosebud Theatre. He is an amazing human.
  1. Meghan Markle: Charity kept donation secret until Oprah interview (BBC) "Meghan gifted the money to Himmah, which works to tackle racism and poverty in Nottingham, in August but the charity kept it a secret. Director Sajid Mohammad said it was feared the duchess was "like Marmite" and could damage Himmah's reputation. But he added her comments about racism made them want to 'show solidarity'."
  1. Alberta government caps compensation for more than 400 post-secondary executives (CBC) ALBERTA STORY "The rules apply at 20 of the province's 26 schools. Leaders who report to a president can earn no more than $391,125 a year at large schools like the University of Alberta and a maximum of $205,713 at a smaller institution, such as Olds College."
  1. After 40 years, Calgary guild celebrates ancient calligraphy art while sharpening new skills (CBC) Congrats! CALGARY STORY "The Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild, which started as a casual learning course through the City of Calgary, has become a 150-member guild of passionate calligraphers. This year, they just happen to be celebrating 40 years."


  1. How tarot can offer cues to help us on our mental health journey (The Star) I have always found tarot to be a meditative practice.
  1. Octopuses, like humans, sleep in two stages (Science) I knew you would want to know. You're welcome.
  1. 5 Overpriced Foods You Should Not Buy at the Grocery Store (In Fitness And In Health) And...they taste better when you make them yourself.
  1. Watch grizzly bears run on treadmills—and find out why they like hiking trails (Science) The grant application for this study would have been great to write (and read).
  1. Brutal Early Reviews of 20 Classic 20th-Century Novels (Mental Floss) Lord of the Flies -- "completely unpleasant." #LOLZ
  1. A No-Equipment Cardio Exercise That Strengthens Your Lower Body, Too (elemental+) Such a simple but effective exercise.
  1. Become A Command Line Pro (CodeX) This is awesome for approximately 1% of our readers (and me).#NerdAlert


  1. Elon Musk donates $30M in effort to draw people to Brownsville area (My SA) "As Elon Musk settles into his new south Texas homeland, the billionaire is opening up his wallet for some monetary investments."
  1. Canadian Olympic Committee receives CAD$2 million donation to help Tokyo 2020 preparations (Inside The Games) CANADIAN STORY Nice gift from a board member. "The donation from Perry Dellelce, [...]his wife Susan and children Taylor and Nicholas is set to support Canadian athletes in the lead-up to the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games."
  1. Jerry Jones announces $20 million donation to planned Arlington museum (Dallas Morning News) "The planned National Medal of Honor Museum picked up a big donation this week. Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones announced his family will donate $20 million to the museum foundation in celebration of National Medal of Honor [Day.]"


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