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Board Leadership Calgary 2018

Board Leadership Calgary 2018

This One-day learning event will feature a number of engaging and informative basic level workshops that will focus on board governance fundamentals, not-profit funding and financial management, and overall best practices within the voluntary sector. The event will also provide helpful resources, new ideas and networking opportunities. This year each session will be held twice to offer greater flexibility for participants.

Our very own, Larissa Groch will be leading the following workshop;

Fueling Your Mission:
Proven Fundraising Strategies, Sources And Tips

November 3rd, 2018 | 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm  

Your non-profit does amazing work – thank you! Do you have enough resources to sustain your efforts and grow? Join Larissa Groch, CFRE of ViTreo Group to learn about proven strategies, best practices and tips to secure the vital funding you need. This interactive session will give you an understanding of different funding sources and how to access them, donor motivations, the fundraising process and a working plan to move forward confidently. Prepare to be inspired, have fun while learning and be ready to make a difference when you leave.